Friday, February 24, 2012

Trading for kids activities

So, for the first 6 years of having kids, we never had any extra in the budget for extra activities for the kids.  So we didn’t do swim lessons, or any sports, or anything.
Then we were able to add enough to the budget to let everyone do one thing for one month each year.
Last year my girls decided they wanted one month of gymnastics…well, you do one month of gym and the kids and the coaches want you to continue.
I explained our situation to the coach, and she asked if I would like to do a trade.  So I go help with the toddler gymnastics in the morning, and it pays for my girls (I have 5 of them) to do gymnastics!
Trading is awesome!  Since then I’ve heard of people trading for a bunch of things…preschool, dance lessons….
And it doesn’t even have to be in kind, my mom said she traded swim lessons, and tutoring, for piano lessons, and swim team!
So, if you would like to be involved in more activities, see what you can trade for it.
It’s a win/win for you and the business, or person, you’re trading with!

Coupons, be not afraid

Ok, so I have always felt like doing coupons was a daunting task.  People buying 5 newspaper subscriptions, spending hours clipping, and they always seemed to be for things I never use (name brand and such)…
But recently I took a class, and still felt a little overwhelmed, but thought I’d try.
It turns out you can print coupons online (sometimes multiple times), you can take as much or as little time as you want.  And it’s not always the name brand things.  I found a coupon for a dollar off of any brand cheese, and 75 cents off any brand milk! I’m buying those anyways!
So a friend of mine has baseball card page protectors that she keeps her coupons organized in, and keeps them in a folder. so they don’t get lost in a purse, and you actually use them.
So here are a few websites:
Now for a couple of rules:
  1. Don’t buy something you wouldn’t buy anyways. (you can’t buy stuff just to save money)
  2. Don’t clean the store out of everything (you don’t need a 5 year supply of tissues) leave some for the other customers.
  3. Don’t feel like you have to become a coupon Nazi, even if you only use a couple of coupons at the store, that’s saving a little bit, and every little bit counts. :)
Good luck!

Homemade Valentines

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on someone to make them feel special.  The thoughtful, homemade gifts can be the best. 
We like to give out love coupons. To be redeemed by you, like…
  • Good for one long walk together
  • Good for a 30 minute back rub
  • Here are some other good ideas!
Here's a website with some great coupons!
Happy Valentines Day!!

meal calendar

So, if I go into a store, my mind goes blank, and I can’t remember anything I need.  I gotta have a list.
I actually made a 5 week meal plan list of my family’s favorite meals so that I don’t have to think up a bunch of meals I want to cook, I just rotate through them.  I look at the calendar, and write down the groceries I need for the next week (or two if I can get my milk to last that long).  Then I’m good to go for a week or two.
Here are some of the positives to doing this:
  • Only having to go to the store once a week, or less.  Saves time and gas
  • When you go to the store you always buy a few things that aren’t on the list (less chances of doing that)
  • There are way fewer times when you decide to grab some fast food because you didn’t have anything to make, or the time to make it.
  • You always have what you need, when you need it.
  • You’re usually eating healthier that way – not macaroni and hot dogs again.
  • You’re husband doesn’t say, “Spaghetti?  Isn’t this the second or third time this week?”  Happened to me. True story.  ( and he was probably right)
  • You can still eat out every once in a while, but it’s planned, and in your budget.

Homemade Playdough

Our kids love playdough, but it’s not cheap at the store.  This is the recipe we use for playdough.  It’s way easy, doesn’t dry out as fast, and doesn’t ruin the carpet like the store bought stuff.:
In a medium saucepan, mix:
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 2 cups flour
  • 2 Tbsp cream of tartar
  • 4 Tbsp oil
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • food coloring
Stir over medium heat. Continue to stir until solid thick.  Dump on counter to knead with hands (don’t burn yourself). Let cool before storing in a zip lock baggie in the fridge.  Most importantly, play with your kids.  It’s a great bonding moment.

Date on a budget

Ok, so dating is so important, especially when you’re married, you gotta still have fun together.  The problem is that it can get expensive.
So we went on a fun double date a while back that I thought I’d share with you.
It was a kind of scavenger hunt.  We went to a mall and split off as couples and took 15 or so minutes to find 4 or 5 things for the other couple to find.  (For example a greeting card with snoopy on it, or a teddy bear wearing a top hat, things that were somewhat unique).
Then we met back and gave each other their lists, and set off to find each thing.  When we found them we took a picture of them with our phone, to show the others when we’d found everything.
We had so much fun – AND it was completely free!

Refried Beans from scratch

OK, so I had always heard that beans were hard to make.  Soak them overnight, then hopefully they would be soft enough.  So when I first started cooking I used canned beans…Dried beans are about half the price of canned beans. If you buy in bulk, you can save even more!  So i decided to try to figure out dried beans…. I found a lot of ways not to make them (crunchy beans just aren’t that great),  but recently a friend shared this recipe with me,no need to soak and it’s sooo good!
  • 3 Cups Pinto Beans
  • 9 Cups Water (more if needed)
  • 1/2 Tsp salt
Put them in a crock pot and cook on high for about 8 hours ( so if you want it in time for dinner, just stick them in  that morning) Make sure beans never run out of water.  Drain liquid from beans into a separate container and set aside.
If you just want plain beans, you’re done!  You can even save them for later by putting them in a plastic container with some of the liquid and put it in the freezer. That way when you want beans last minute, you’re set!
For refried beans:
  • 1-3 Tbsp butter
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 cup mild salsa
Add the rest of the ingredients to the beans.  Mash or blend with a hand blender till mostly smooth.  Add additional reserved liquid as needed until beans are the desired consistancy.

Just gotta have it

Ok, so what if you really want a new grill, or a new tv, or something that just isn’t in your budget?  How do you get those things?
We have a “just gotta have it” section of our budget.   It’s like your own little layaway plan. :)
Instead of buying it on credit, cause you just gotta have it right now, then having to pay interest on your impatience (credit cards are the worst ours is about 19%),
each month we put a certain amount (that won’t break the bank, but won’t take FOREVER either) in our “Just gotta have it” section.
Once you’ve saved up enough  you celebrate when you get to buy it. Yesss!
The best part about the whole thing is getting to pick your next fun thing for your “just gotta have it ” section
…hmm trip to Hawaii, or maybe a trampoline, or….

Budgeting my time

Money doesn’t seem to be the only thing that’s scarce these days.  There’s never enough time either.  And thinking of all the things I had to do used to always give me a stomachache.
Kids always seem to forget what they’re supposed to do, so we as parents make them a chore chart, and they have to work their way down the chart.
Well, if it works for them, why can’t it work for us.
So I made myself a daily chore chart that has all the things I want to do on a daily basis.  You can put whatever you want, here are some things I put:
  • Prayers, Read Scriptures
  • Exercise
  • Dishes
  • Laundry
  • Read to kids
  • declutter for 15 minutes
Sometimes the urgent things get in the way of the important things.  Just like my kids, I need a little reminder.

House on a budget

With 6 kids in a smallish house, I have gotten frustrated with the space, or the lack of our own backyard…so here’s my counting blessings.  All the good things about a small house.  So, here we go…
  • Don’t have to worry about yard work
  • Cleaning is a lot quicker
  • Utilities are way less
  • Keeps me more organized (gotta fit everything in our small space)
  • Can’t spend more on stuff that won’t fit in my home anyways
  • Kids learn to get along and share rooms – still waiting for the outcome here :) but maybe someday!
  • I spend more time with my kids when they’re outside since I can’t just send them out, bonding time.
…whew!  I feel better

Fun in a budget

Ok, so budget’s are good for you, but not so fun – like eating your veggies…why is that?  So many things that are good for you aren’t fun.
Anyways, how many of you failed your diets, because you got frustrated because you just wanted that cookie, so you ate it, then figured you already messed up so you might as well eat 7 more…or is that just me. So when you diet allow yourself to have a treat every once in a while, so that you can be in it for the long haul (and not cranky cause you want that cookie).
Now back to the original point,  when you budget, have a certain amount designated for fun, so that you can enjoy some of your money and stay in budget! Yay!
hmm…now I am craving cookies.

Gifts on a budget

Ok, I know this is probably the last thing you’re thinking about right now since we just finished Christmas.  Now’s the time to start keeping your eyes open.  Gifts always mean more when you didn’t last minute have to go find something anyways.
I have a wish list, that the kids can write on anytime they think of something that they might want sometime – knowing that they might get something entirely different.
Then I keep my eyes peeled anytime I’m at the store for the things on the list, or other things, especially for sales.
I get them and keep them in my attic so that when birthdays and Christmas comes up, I’m ready.  Plus then I’m not spending tons in December, or any other time of the year, it is spread throughout the year and I get them at the best price.

New Adventure

I am a stay at home mom with six kids, love ‘em to death, but they aren’t free.  For the longest time I thought, once I have this then I’ll be happy; or , a bigger house will make me happy.  It was my husband that reminded me to bloom where I’m planted, so I decided to live on a budget and love it.  Now, it’s exciting to find better ways to fit in our home, and squeeze every last bit out of my pennies.    It’s a game for me now, and if I find a new way to save, I’m the winner.
I thought I’d share my discoveries, and would love to know how you have learned to save!
So here we go!